Plastiks uses blockchain to track and verify the recovery and recycling of plastic pollution around the world.
HQ: Barcelona, Spain
Active Markets: Global
Problem Addressed
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 establishes the importance of ensuring clean water and sanitation for all. According to the UN, only 9% of plastic actually gets recycled with the remainder ending up in landfills, as litter, incinerated, or in water sources. Plastic pollution in fresh and salt water bodies leads to polluted materials breaking down into small pieces or microplastics, which are consumed by wildlife threatening ecosystem health and causing bioaccumulation, or the compounded effect of food chains consuming harmful materials and subsequently inheriting those materials from the food sources they consume.
Project Description
Plastiks enables sustainability-minded businesses to sponsor plastic recovery organizations. The project verifies the recovery and recycling of plastic that’s been removed from the environment by plastic recovery organizations. Plastiks uses blockchain to provide a verifiable and transparent system for companies that struggle to communicate their sustainable agenda and ESG goals; individuals that are aware of ecological challenges and want to take action; and small plastic recovery projects that need funding to grow their impact. Recyclable plastic is verified, minted as plastic credit NFTs, and made tradeable on through their Plastiks marketplace. Plastic credits are digital proof that plastic has been recovered and sold to a recycler, include data on the invoice and the type and quantity. Recovery entities get paid in PLASTIK tokens when credits are sold, which can be exchanged for fiat to grow their impact and expand operations.
Business Data
Status: Active
Constituency Served: small business owners
Networks: Celo
Known Investors: Celo
Additional References: N/A
Progress to date
Plastiks aimed to verify, mint, and sell 11,000 metric tons worth of Plastic Recycling Guarantees by the end of 2023. Between June 2022 and December 2022, Plastiks had sold 93 metric tons worth of PRGs. In February 2024, Plastiks partnered with FC Barcelona to recover and recycle 1 million kilos of plastic.
Business Model
Plastiks uses ticketing, Ecommerce, customized campaigns, and digital collectibles to sustain their offering.
As of April 2024, Platiks had recovered 2,321,184 kilograms of plastic, which is the equivalent of over 74 million 1.5 liter plastic bottles.